Flour Throwing Festival
The Flour Throwing Festival is one of the famous and unique festivals of Greece. The "flour war" always draws a significant number of Greeks and tourists who come to see this "bizarre" celebration.
Hundreds of Greeks attend the celebration, dressed in plastic costumes with black charcoal drawn faces. People who participate in this flour throwing celebration usually wear glasses or a mask to keep the flour from pouring into their eyes when flinging flour. Each individual wore a cow bell around their necks, which they dangled down the street to launch a flour-throwing war. They did traditional Greek dances together and tossed flour at one other, creating a vibrant and enjoyable mood.
Melasma is not just a holiday for the Greeks, but it also has a spiritual meaning for them. The celebration is seen as a spiritual release, as well as a fun way for Greeks to alleviate tension and exhaustion. This is also a clear indication of the Greeks' ability to laugh at themselves and remain optimistic in the face of adversity.
Address: Galaxidi, Greece
Takes place: March 7