"Flushed" embarks on a whimsical adventure that unfolds in a bustling metropolis's intricate sewer system. The narrative follows a motley crew of sewer inhabitants, including sentient rats, resourceful cockroaches, and an audacious mouse named Milo. With the threat of an impending flood due to a blocked drain, Milo and his newfound comrades embark on a daring mission to clear the blockage and save their world from an imminent catastrophe.
"Flushed" is a delightful and imaginative tale that promises to captivate young readers with its unique setting, endearing characters, and heartwarming message of teamwork and unity. Its humorous undertones and fast-paced storyline make it an engaging read for children seeking an entertaining adventure. Parents, educators, and young readers alike will appreciate the story's positive themes and the vibrant world it invites them to explore.
However, "Flushed" is always a charming tale of friendship, collaboration, and courage set in a unique and imaginative world. Its vibrant characters, whimsical setting, and positive themes make it a recommended addition to children's literature, offering a memorable reading experience filled with laughter and heartwarming moments.
Author: Svingen and Pedersen
Published: January 25, 2018
Link to read: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38220048-flushed