Top 6 Best Sustainable Fashion Brands in Thailand

  1. top 1 Mae Teeta
  2. top 2 Rubber Killer
  3. top 3 Maddy Hopper
  4. top 4 Sasi Knits
  5. top 5 Earthtone
  6. top 6 Folk Charm

Folk Charm

Folk Charm, a renowned brand in the fashion industry, has taken a meaningful step toward transforming the way we view fashion with its commitment to sustainability. In a world where fast fashion dominates, Folk Charm stands out by embracing environmentally-friendly practices throughout its supply chain.

At the core of Folk Charm's sustainable fashion philosophy is its dedication to using ethically sourced materials. From natural fibers like organic cotton and hemp to recycled fabrics, every piece is crafted with meticulous attention to detail. By steering away from harmful substances, the brand ensures the well-being of not only its consumers but also the environment.

In addition to their material choices, Folk Charm incorporates responsible production methods, including reduced water consumption and minimal waste generation. They also partner with local artisans, supporting traditional craftsmanship while fostering sustainable livelihoods.

Folk Charm's
sustainable fashion transcends mere aesthetics, championing a whole new way of consuming that values the planet's health and promotes social consciousness. With their commitment to sustainability, Folk Charm is leading the charge towards a brighter and more ethically conscious future for the fashion industry.


  • Founded: 2016
  • Location: Hua Mak, Bang Kapi District, Bangkok
  • Website:
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Top 6 Best Sustainable Fashion Brands in Thailand

  1. top 1 Mae Teeta
  2. top 2 Rubber Killer
  3. top 3 Maddy Hopper
  4. top 4 Sasi Knits
  5. top 5 Earthtone
  6. top 6 Folk Charm

Toplist Joint Stock Company
Address: 3rd floor, Viet Tower Building, No. 01 Thai Ha Street, Trung Liet Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Phone: +84369132468 - Tax code: 0108747679
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