This website is a community-driven learning platform for beginners to learn how to code for free, build real-world projects, and land a job as a developer.
JavaScript and other web development principles can be learned using the vast collection of interactive tutorials and practice courses available at Freecodecamp. Because it gives students the resources to learn by doing, many programmers find this website to be much more interactive. You will also be able to interact with fellow learners and experienced programmers who mentor newbies. On this website, you may discover more than 2000 free JavaScript classes. In addition, Freecodecamp maintains a vibrant Facebook Group and a Medium blog where they provide resources and articles on hot subjects and technologies.
FreeCodeCamp's JavaScript curriculum is considered one of the best resources for learning the language, as it covers a wide range of topics and provides ample opportunities for practice and application. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer looking to sharpen your skills, FreeCodeCamp's JavaScript curriculum is a great resource to check out.