Full Time Magister
An anime series called "Full Time Magister" is based on the Chinese online novel "Quanzhi Fashi" by Guowei Xiu. The English name of the anime adaptation is "Quanzhi Fashi" or "Versatile Mage". The narrative centers on Mo Fan, a high school student who learns he has twin elemental magic, a rare and potent talent. He enters the magical realm and enrolls at the prestigious Magic Academy, where he encounters several obstacles and struggles with powerful foes.
As he progresses through the school, Mo Fan must strike a balance between his studies, his relationships, and the continuing danger posed by magical beings known as "Creatures of Calamity." Mo Fan works to develop into a full-fledged magician and defend the city from threats that hide in the shadows with the help of his friends and allies. Action, adventure, fantasy, and magic are all categories that "Full Time Magister" fits under. The pursuit of magical arts proficiency and themes of personal development and collaboration are all explored. The anime features complex spellcasting, exciting magical combat, and a fully realized magical universe.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic
Director: Li Liuyi
Episodes: 48 episodes
Episode Duration: Approximately 20 minutes.
Watch here: https://9animetv.to/watch/full-time-magister-2189?ep=78596