Girls Of The Wild's
"Girls of the Wild's" centers around the captivating journey of Jaegu Song, a courageous young man who fearlessly enrolls at the prestigious all-girls school celebrated for their unrivaled mastery of martial arts. However, the tale wouldn't be complete without highlighting the enigmatic Ingui Yoon, the dominant queen who reigns with an unwavering hand within the school's boundaries. Together, Jaegu and Ingui forge an intricate relationship that serves as the driving force behind the captivating storyline.
Ingui, far from being a mere damsel in distress, emerges as a powerful female protagonist, showcasing her physical prowess on multiple awe-inspiring occasions. She is just one example among the predominantly female ensemble of characters who exude strength and resilience. As the male presence in the narrative, Jaegu contributes to the imposing overarching plot, adding depth and intrigue to the enthralling world of "Girls of the Wild's".
Author: HUN
Illustrator: Zhena
Status: Completed
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