The next name on the list of the best romance animes is "Given", a poignant and beautifully crafted anime series that centers around the lives of four young men brought together by their shared passion for music. This anime, adapted from Natsuki Kizu's manga, masterfully weaves together themes of music, romance, and personal growth.
The story follows Ritsuka Uenoyama, a talented guitarist who has lost his passion for music. His world takes an unexpected turn when he meets Mafuyu Sato, a quiet and mysterious young man carrying a guitar with broken strings. As Ritsuka helps Mafuyu learn to play the guitar, their bond deepens, and a delicate romance blossoms between them.
"Given" stands out for its realistic and tender portrayal of LGBTQ+ relationships, exploring the complexities of love, identity, and healing. It's a series that beautifully captures the emotions of its characters through its exceptional music, creating a profound connection between the characters and the audience.
Studios: Lerche
Genres: Boys Love, Drama, Romance
Themes: Music, School