Gombasecka cave
The Gombasek Cave, also known as Gombasecká jaskya in Slovak and Gombaszögi-barlang in Hungarian, is a karst cave in Slovakia's Slovak Karst. It is one of the most beautiful caves in Slovakia. It is called after the Gombasek community, which is part of the Slavec village. It is about 15 kilometers south of Roava, in the Slovak Karst National Park, in the Slaná river valley. Volunteer cavers discovered the cave on November 21, 1951. Only 285 m of the whole 1 525 m were available to the public in 1955. The visiting trail is currently 530 meters long and takes about 30 minutes.
The cave was also used as a sanatorium for "speleotherapy," which concentrated on airway ailments. The Gombasek Cave has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995, as part of the Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst.
The sinter decoration in Gombasecka cave is unique in color and fragility, and it can't be found in any other cave in Slovakia. Some white straws are only half a centimeter in diameter! Other types of stalactites, stalagmites, straws, and bark can also be found in the cave. The tour is half a kilometer long and takes 30 minutes to complete. There isn't much of a climb.
Address: Gombasecká jaskyňa, 049 11 Slavec, Slovakia