GoodNovel is a website and app that allows you to publish and monetize your light novels online. There are also thousands of original and translated light novels in genres such as fantasy, romance, horror, and others.
GoodNovel has a user-friendly design that is also remarkably intuitive, allowing you to seamlessly submit your chapters, edit your book details, and manage your account. Furthermore, they provide you with a plethora of writing tools, such as the story generator and character designer.
GoodNovel has a fair and open royalty system that rewards you for your efforts. You can earn coins from readers who unlock your chapters and receive bonuses based on your book's performance and ranking. You can also engage in their contests and events to win more prizes and gain more exposure.
GoodNovel promotes your novels by including them on their homepage, social media, and mailings. You can also earn extra coins by inviting your friends and family to join GoodNovel. You may even make and sell your own items on their marketplace.
If you're looking for a platform to help you turn your passion into a job, give GoodNovel a shot.