Gorillas share 98.3 percent of humans genetic makeup
One of the closest living cousins to humans is the gorilla, with whom they share 98.3 percent of their DNA. The World Wildlife Fund claims that the bonobo and chimpanzee, which share 99 percent of our genetic makeup, are the closest relatives. Since they have such a tight bond, gorillas and humans have a lot in common. Despite having a thumb-like finger on their feet, their hands are remarkably similar to ours in that they have a thumb-like finger. They are one of the few animals except humans that can hold objects and use tools. They also have small eyes and hairless faces. They walk upright, but because of their long arms and short legs, they frequently knuckle walk to get around.
Also, gorillas appear to be very intelligent. This intelligence may have certain emotional components. While some experts contend that gorillas only seem to experience human emotions, others are sure that these enormous primates are capable of feeling emotions like happiness and grief. It is thought that they respond to human laughter similarly. Gorillas greet one another with fondness, sometimes even giving each other hugs.