Gosho Aoyama
Top 3 in Top 10 Richest Japanese Mangakas
Detective Conan, the manga series created by Gosho Aoyama, focuses on uncovering mysteries and solving cases. Also called by international fans as Case Closed, it is a manga series about a high school student who must balance his work with his school life.
As one of the most popular manga series ever, Case Closed has amassed more than 1,000 episodes of the anime and sold more than 240 million copies. Manga sales account for a large portion of Gosho Aoyama's net fortune, nearly $50 million.
Gosho Aoyama began sketching at a very young age, and he also drew other comics in the late 1980s, including Case Closed. His previous manga titles are Magic Kito and Yaiba.
- Networth: $50M