Gravensteen Castle

Gravensteen Castle - one of the most beautiful historical sites in Belgium, built in the 11th century, is one of Europe's earliest remaining examples of a moated fortification. It's possible that Philip was inspired by the crusader castles he saw during the Second Crusade. The Gravensteen was built to terrify the burghers of Ghent, who frequently resisted the counts' power, as well as to defend them. It consists of a big central donjon, a dwelling, and a number of smaller structures. The majestic walls of Gravensteen, complete with turrets and arrow slits, are the stuff of mythology and fancy.

Climb its stairwell for panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Then venture into town in quest of gestreken mastellen (sweet cinnamon pastries), cuberdons (cone-shaped Belgian candy), or frietjes (frietjes are a type of Belgian candy) (Belgium frites, usually served with mayonnaise).

Visitors may find themselves in Ghent in July if they're lucky. If that's the case, don't miss the Ghentse Feesten, a 10-day festival of music, art, and culture.

Location: Ghent

Source: Wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia
Source: Slow TV

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