Great Mosque Of Djenne , Djenne
The Sudano-Sahelian architectural style is represented by the Great Mosque of Djenné, which is a massive brick or adobe structure. The mosque is located in the flood plain of the Bani River in Djenné, Mali.
The Great Mosque of Djenne is a notable cultural landmark and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is considered one of the greatest Sudano-Sahelian architectural achievements and one of the most beautiful historical sites in Mali. Although the existing scaffold-like, mud-brick construction was restored in 1907 by the French authority and local masons, the earliest mosque built on this floodplain dates from the 13th century. Notice the cone spirals and three box-like minarets standing tall over the main entrance on the northern side as you approach the site. Explore the colorful hallways frequented by worshipers, including the elaborate prayer wall facing Mecca, during visitation hours.
It is not just the heart of the Djenné community, but also one of Africa's most famous sites. In 1988, UNESCO listed it as a World Heritage Site, along with the "Old Towns of Djenné."
Location: Djenné, Mopti, Mali