Greenland is among the world's coldest nations, with temperatures below zero degrees for almost the whole year. Greenland is bordered by oceans that are either frozen continuously or cooled by cold currents. Fjords form a barrier between the inland ice regions and the ocean.
Additionally, the nation is the world's largest island, with a total land size of 2,100,000 square kilometers. However, 85 percent of the geographical area is covered by around 1500 m thick ice sheets. The remaining land area comprises the coastal region, which is home to the majority of Greenland's inhabitants. Only at the seaside do temperatures soar above freezing.
Summer is often when these rather high temperatures occur. Summer and winter are markedly different, and residents must be ready for all four seasons. Greenland is well-known for its distinct Inuit culture, which has survived for generations. Also, it is affectionately referred to as the empire of dolphins, whales, and walruses.
Coldest temperature: −66.1 °C