Greeting Etiquette
Nodding one's head is a typical form of greeting others in Palau, and individuals of all ages can also just raise their eyebrows or wave their hands. Handshakes are given when meeting someone for the first time or when two individuals haven't seen each other in a long time. A handshake is also used to show congratulations. When approaching someone, always say 'Alii'.
When meeting someone you don't know, be respectful. Asking for a stranger's name should be done in a humble and indirect manner. If you don't know their title, always say 'Alii Rubak' for males and 'Alii Mechas' for women. This applies to everyone older than you, whether they hold a title or not. If you have a meeting set, find out who will be attending, what their titles are, and how they should be addressed before the meeting. When passing on the road, always move to the side and let them pass first. In Palauan culture, pointing at someone is considered disrespectful.