Gregory has been making outdoor gear since 1977. Founder Wayne Gregory, an avid climber and outdoorsman, saw the need for a better-designed, more functional backpack and decided to try and offer just that. Gregory backpacks have earned a well-deserved reputation for being the most comfortable and reliable packs worldwide.
Wayne Gregory's brand began with a simple passion: designing backpacks that he could trust on his most ambitious adventures. He achieved this by pioneering suspension systems that work harmoniously with the body, prioritizing precise fit for both men and women, and inventing new materials and construction techniques. Wayne's unique approach to design allowed him to confidently offer a lifetime guarantee, a promise that Gregory still upholds today.
Gregory packs are engineered to be worn, not merely carried. The combination of distinctive fit geometry and customized chassis technologies ensures that Gregory packs feel like a natural extension of the body. These packs boast spacious interiors with additional pockets for effortless organization, providing ample space to comfortably accommodate all your essential gear.
What truly sets Gregory backpacks apart is their exceptional durability, designed to withstand a lifetime of adventures. Every seam, stitch, and clasp is meticulously crafted to endure rough handling and extreme use. For those unsure of where to start, the highly popular Gregory Denali 100 Alpine Backpacking Pack or the Gregory Women's Octal 45 are excellent choices that have garnered widespread acclaim from satisfied customers.
Founder: Wayne Gregory
Headquarters: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States