Grotto of the Redemption

In the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sioux City's West Bend, Iowa, there is a sacred site known as the Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption. It is thought to be the biggest grotto in the world and is made up of nine grottos that each portray a scenario from the life of Jesus. It also features a sizable collection of minerals and petrified wood.
Additionally, it is "regarded as the world's most comprehensive man-made collection of minerals, fossils, shells, and petrifications in one location." Over $4,308,000 is the approximate worth of the rocks and minerals that make up the Grotto. Every year, more than 100,000 people come.
It features a museum exhibiting rare and semiprecious stones from all over the world, as well as images and relics related to the shrine's building. During his first grotto's construction, Father Dobberstein applied the information and abilities he had learned while completing his study at St. Francis Seminary in St. Francis, Wisconsin.
Google rating: 4.8/5.0
Location: 208 1st Ave NW, West Bend, IA 50597, US
Phone: +1 515-887-2371