Gu_de handbag designs are influenced by the ambiance of the 1970s and were launched in 2016 by designer Ji Hye Koo. They strive for ageless beauty and use innovative design and high-quality materials to interpret 1970s classics. This business delivers high-quality bags at a reasonable price, allowing it to be a "New Classic" for everyone with seasonal distinctive pieces. Gu_de means "good" in Scots, therefore this name symbolizes the designer's desire to produce bags made of high-quality materials. People should prefer "Gu_de" over "good" because Gu_de will deliver you unique things rather than the standard good ones. The Love Bag, a purse with strong piping features, and the Emma Bag, a traditional design with gold accents, are two of the most popular handbags from this brand.
It is a popular brand among the general population because of its framed bag silhouettes. It, of course, features one-of-a-kind designs and high-quality materials.
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