Gun Classes in Elementary School

There was a brief moment in 1956 in Indiana where young children were being taught how to wield weapons in the school. If it weren't also strangely terrifying, that notion would be laughed at now. The goal of any respectable gun owner should be to teach their kids about gun safety. But do you want someone else who might not be responsible teaching it at school? among other kids who might not be accountable? Who may be in possession of a weapon and be skilled in its use?
This proposal is a modern parent's worst nightmare given the current attitude toward weapons in schools and the requirement that students participate in active shooter exercises to prepare them for an armed intruder in the school. It appears that there is a high likelihood of mistreatment or mishaps.
Photos from these classes depict youngsters under 10 using rifles and shotguns in the classroom. Might they have been loaded? Perhaps, but pictures also show police shooting people in front of children while teaching the course. Hence, live ammunition was used in the process.
Is it improper to instruct children on safe gun handling? Not at all, if you have such beliefs. It does appear to be a possible risk, though, to have it taught at a public school without parental supervision. It becomes more obvious why guns and schools have never blended when you look at the history of school shootings and realize that there were several shootings in the 1950s as well, both unintentional and intentional.