Habano Cigar Festival
In Cuba, cigars are a popular speciality. It also has its own event in February, known as the cigar festival. This is the celebration that the residents of Havana, especially cigar connoisseurs, look forward to for the majority of the year.
People will be engaged in a lively and stimulating environment during the event. People may also inspect cigars from a variety of well-known brands with their own eyes. For example, Cohiba, Partagas, and Hupman cigars; Romeo y Julieta and Montecristo cigars, and so on.
Furthermore, attendees to this festival in Havana, Cuba, get the opportunity to sample quality cigars. You may observe the unique process of handcrafting handcrafted cigars. You will also get the opportunity to learn more about Cuban culture.
Cigar enthusiasts will have total access to all celebrations, new cigar brand releases, and activities surrounding the Habano Cigar Festival 2023 by booking a vacation. The Cigar Festival of Havana is perhaps only topped by Las Vegas' "Big Smoke" by cigar connoisseurs as the world's largest cigar gathering.
Time: February 21 to 25
Where: Havana, Cuba