Haji Yaqub Mosque
Every Islamic country has a magnificent mosque that serves as the spiritual heart of the community. Until the current erection of the Tajikistan Mosque, the Haji Yaqub Mosque, which is the principal mosque in the capital city and one of the most beautiful historical sites in Tajikistan, was the country's largest. The mosque, which can hold up to 3,000 people, was built over 200 years ago. It was named after Haji Yaqub, a notable Tajik commander and religious leader who fought a battle with Qing Dynasty General Zuo Zongtang to honor his valor and contributions to territory gains.
Because Tajiks are descended from Persia, the Haji Yaqub Mosque is built in the Persian style and is as colorful as its Iranian counterparts. It boasts a colossal arch. A massive chandelier hangs from the roof of the prayer hall, beneath the dome, with intricately carved designs. The patterns painted on the mosque's external and internal walls, as well as the Persian columns and the Russian palace plan, give it a distinct beauty.