Hand Gestures
Lebanese people frequently make hand gestures, like other Arabs do. Take the hand gesture for the word Shou, for example, to mention a few popular ones. indicating What? By raising the hand and rotating the fingers in a half-circle, it may be determined. Another common hand gesture is the Shwey-Shwey, which involves bringing the fingers together with the palm facing up and lifting the hand up and down to instruct the other person to calm down or speak carefully, which is one of the list Lebanon Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Parents frequently use this gesture with their children as a warning when they are doing something wrong.
Furthermore, hand gestures can be used to emphasize dissension as well as to call attention to the need to halt an action. People use the words "Khalas" or "Bess" to indicate "Stop" or "I don't want to hear anymore" while holding out their right hand with the palm facing the other person. There are undoubtedly a lot more hand gestures to master. Foreigners may find it simple to interpret local customs as they become more accustomed to them.