Harlequin Rabbit
The Harlequin Rabbit is a colorful breed of rabbit originating from France. The classic Harlequin is made up of a mixture of white or orange and black or another color (without any silvering). It should be evenly colored in both hues, with the ideal head coloration being a blend of the two. The orange color is known as Japanese. Their coloration (not the name of the breed) may also be called magpie where the second color is white rather than orange.
The Harlequin rabbit is jovial, obedient, and perceptive. The rabbit can reply to its own name and is even litter box trained, like the majority of breeds. They are gentle. Japanese and Magpie harlequin rabbits are the two varieties available. While Magpie Harlequins are white (instead of orange) and either black, blue, chocolate, or lilac, Japanese Harlequins are typically orange. The head, ears, feet, and body of an "ideal" harlequin will be divided between the two colors. It kind of resembles a perfect stripe between the two hues. Some harlequins will have orange or white bellies; either is acceptable for exhibiting purposes.