Harlequin Rabbit
The next on the list of the most affectionate rabbit breeds in the world is the Harlequin a vibrant breed of rabbit that is French in origin. It is a breed whose body form and fur are secondary to colors and patterns. A normal Harlequin should weigh between 6.5 and 9.5 pounds, with bucks (males) weighing between 6.5 and 9 pounds and does (females) between 7 and 9.5 pounds.
The classic Harlequin is made up of a mixture of white or orange and black or another color. It should be evenly colored in both hues, with the ideal head coloration being a blend of the two. The Japanese are noted for their use of orange. The intelligent, amiable, and amusing Harlequin rabbit. The rabbit can reply to its own name and is even litter box trained, is like most breeds. They are cordial.
There are two varieties of harlequin rabbits: Japanese and Magpie. While Magpie Harlequins are typically white (instead of orange) and either black, blue, chocolate, or lilac, Japanese Harlequins are typically orange and either black, blue, or lilac. The head, ears, feet, and body of a "ideal" harlequin will be split between the two hues. The two hues appear to be separated by a perfect stripe. Both orange and white bellies on harlequins are acceptable for exhibiting purposes.