He took part in the royal family's transfer to Paris from Versailles
On October 2, King Louis XVI rejected the Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights, which sparked a women's march from Paris to the Palace of Versailles. On October 6, a mob attacked Versailles, and his forces rescued Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette from their wrath. Lafayette subsequently transported the royal family to Paris, where they were taken prisoner by the revolution. To maintain calm, Lafayette led his troops after them. At Versailles, the people greeted them with mixed emotions, cheering the monarch but threatening Queen Marie Antoinette with death. Lafayette eventually conducted the royal family back to Paris in peace after treating the queen with respect.
Lafayette proceeded to Vincennes on February 28, 1791, or "Day of the Daggers," to prevent the rebels from damaging Vincennes Castle, which served as a jail just like the Bastille. At the same time, the nobility went to the Tuileries Palace equipped with daggers and pistols out of concern for King Louis XVI's safety. La Fayette disarmed the aristocrats and swiftly returned to Paris. Lafayette intended to retire after quelling a second uprising in April 1791, but his resignation was rejected, therefore he was forced to stay in government.