Heather Johnson (@foodhussy)
Heather Johnson, 45, is a blogger who grew up in West Liberty, Iowa, but now resides in Milford, Ohio, where she writes on her blog, The Food Hussy. As her blog title suggests, she primarily blogs about food. However, she also discusses travel. Her website is simple to use and has numerous content categories to choose from. If you want to find a decent restaurant, a simple recipe, or learn about different places to visit, you can click on one of the categorized tabs at the top of her page and read whatever article you like.
She began writing her blog in 2008, and it has since grown into something far larger. "For the first couple of years, it was all restaurant reviews - then I started adding recipes while I was cooking, but they were other people's recipes", Heather Johnson explained. "The travel and meeting cooks" are what she enjoys most about blogging. Her Instagram page has 13K followers, and the majority of the information she shares on this site is images of food she ate while traveling.
Detail information:
Follower: 13K
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foodhussy/