Hindu belief says that gods can take many forms
Hindus believe in a variety of Gods who serve as executives in huge corporations and carry out a variety of tasks. Not to be confused with the Supreme God are these. Hinduism has the distinctive belief that God is inside each and every soul, in the heart and consciousness, and is just waiting to be discovered, rather than being remote and residing in heaven. And attaining this kind of close-knit, first-hand knowledge of God is the aim of Hinduism.
Both a monotheistic and henotheistic religion, Hinduism. Not being polytheistic, Hinduism. The Hindu viewpoint is better described as henotheism, which means "one God." It denotes the worship of a single God while remaining open to the possibility of other Gods. Hindus hold that there is just one all-pervasive God who powers the cosmos. It is thought that God exists both within and outside of the universe. The highest Hindu viewpoint is that.
Hinduism encourages a variety of paths and does not demand conformity to any one particular path, giving people the opportunity to approach God in their own way.
Hindus hold both a personal relationship with God and a belief in the formless Absolute Reality as God. Hinduism, the first monotheistic religion, has the best understanding of God because of this freedom. Another distinctive aspect of Hinduism is its insistence that experiencing God is the soul's ultimate objective.