HobbyLink Japan
HobbyLink Japan will store your items in their private warehouse until you are ready to ship them. You can bulk ship your anime figures or items for potential shipping savings, combine them into one package, or split orders into smaller shipments using this feature. This shipping customization allows customers to choose how their items will be shipped and find ways to save on shipping, which is a feature of HobbyLink Japan's website.
HobbyLink Japan is one of the better sites on this list in terms of customer service and response. Another thing anime fans like about shopping on their website is their friendly, quick-response customer service. They also ship to many different countries and regions around the world, but shipping rates vary. They do, however, offer a variety of shipping options for most locations, allowing you to choose the amount you want to pay for shipping as well as how quickly you want to receive your item. For in-stock orders, shipping rates and options are available at the checkout.
Another great feature is that HobbyLink Japan does not charge you for items until they are ready to ship. There are some exceptions to this rule (any exceptions are noted), but most preorder items are not charged to your credit card until they are ready for shipment. They are also among the best in terms of selection. On their website, you can purchase a variety of different anime figures in a variety of scales from a variety of different anime figure companies. They also have items that aren't available at many US-based retailers, and if you build Gundam model kits in addition to collecting anime figures, they have a great selection of them. They are one of the best places to buy anime figures for all of these reasons and more!
Founded: 1995
Headquarters: Tochigi Prefecture in Japan
Instagram: @hobbylink.japan (71.6N followers)
Website: https://www.hlj.com/