Hotels and Accommodation in Zambia
After deciding on your vacation destination, you can quickly narrow down the hotels in the area. For example, if you are visiting Victoria Falls, you will have to select from the luxurious hotels located nearby. The New Fairmount Hotel and Casino, for example, is located in the heart of Livingstone, just 1.4 miles from Victoria Falls.
The hotel boasts exquisite services, including state-of-the-art en-suite bedrooms with conference centers and a swimming pool. After a long day of adventure in the waterfalls, you deserve to relax. Choosing the right hotel is as important as deciding how enjoyable and enjoyable your stay in Zambia will be. This allows you to get a close look at the park's fauna while also exercising your body. In the cool hours of the day, you may also enjoy bird viewing, game drives, water sports in a canoe, or a ship tour, among other activities.