Hulu is a well-liked streaming platform with a broad array of content, encompassing a handpicked selection of classic and recent anime series and movies. Amid its extensive collection of TV shows, films, and original productions, Hulu stands out for its diverse anime library.
Viewers on Hulu can choose between subtitles and dubbed versions of anime series, accommodating a broad audience, including those who favor watching anime in English. Hulu's offerings are divided into free and premium subscription tiers, each with its benefits.
Hulu presents simulcasts for some anime series, ensuring fresh episodes become available shortly after their Japanese broadcast. Hulu operates in the United States and Japan, though the specific content offered may fluctuate based on regional licensing agreements.
Hulu extends its accessibility with dedicated apps for various devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and web browsers. Occasionally, Hulu boasts exclusive anime content, making it an intriguing platform for those seeking unique anime experiences.