Human-Computer Interaction by Georgia Tech (Udacity)

One of the Best Online Human Computer Interaction Courses is Human-Computer Interaction by Georgia Tech (Udacity). This introductory course on human-computer interaction is aimed at teaching you some of the fundamental ideas, approaches, and open areas of research in the field. Taking the course will teach you about numerous aspects of human-computer interaction, such as principles and features of human-computer interaction, design and evaluation approaches for user-centered systems, and current cutting-edge research in the field. David Joyner, an experienced Georgia Tech lecturer who will aid you in offering further support, designed the course. Instructor videos, practice activities, rich information for learning, and self-paced learning are all included in the course.


  • Acquire the ability to examine and evaluate user interfaces, both those provided and those discovered on your own.
  • Understand how to identify problems that can be solved using HCI methodologies and how to prototype user interfaces using the ideas you learned in class.
  • Acquire the ability to assess user interfaces based on input from future users, change your user interfaces as needed, and repeat the prototyping process.
  • Use interactive quizzes and rich-learning content to apply the acquired ideas to a new field of HCI.

Duration: 16 weeks
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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