I Origins
"I Origins" is a thought-provoking science fiction drama directed by Mike Cahill. The film tells the story of Ian Gray, a molecular biologist, played by Michael Pitt, who is fascinated by the human eye and its evolutionary development. Through his research, Ian meets Sofi (Astrid Bergès-Frisbey), a free-spirited woman who changes his perspective on life and the scientific world.
As the plot unfolds, "I Origins" explores themes of spirituality, destiny, and the interconnected nature of all living beings. It delves into the debate between scientific rationality and the possibility of a higher power. With its intricate blend of science and spirituality, the movie challenges viewers to question their beliefs and consider the profound implications of scientific discoveries.
"I Origins" is a visually stunning film that captivates audiences with its deep philosophical undertones. It reminds us that sometimes the most important answers can only be discovered when we search beyond the boundaries of scientific facts.
- Directed: Mike Cahill
- Production companies: Verisimilitude, WeWork Studios, Bersin Pictures, Penny Jane Films
- Released: July 18, 2014
- Country: United States
- Watch here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2884206/