If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die

Patti Bellantoni received her training from renowned color theorist Josef Albers. She now teaches directors, cinematographers, editors, producers, screenwriters, and production designers about color and visual storytelling. Her teaching experience includes the American Film Institute Conservatory in Los Angeles, the world's premier film conservatory.

If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die is a must-read for all film students, professionals, and others interested in the industry. This enlightening book assists filmmakers in making the right color choices for their films, as well as moviegoers in understanding why they feel the way they do when watching films that incorporate certain colors.

Bellantoni has grouped more than 60 films under the spheres of influence of six major colors, each of which triggers very specific emotional states, based on her twenty-five years of research on the effects of color on behavior. The author, for example, explains that films with a dominant red influence have themes and characters that are powerful, lustful, defiant, anxious, angry, or romantic, and then discusses specific films as examples. She delves into each film, explaining how, why, and where a color influences emotions in both the characters on screen and the audience. Each color section begins with an illustrated Home Page that includes examples, anecdotes, and advice on how to use or avoid that specific color.

Bellantoni draws on her research and experience to show how powerful color can be and to raise readers' awareness of the colors around them and how they affect how we feel, act, and react.

  • Discover how your choice of color can affect an audience's moods, attitudes, reactions, and interpretations of your film's plot.
  • View your favorite films in a new light as the author highlights important uses of color, both instinctive and intentional.
  • Learn how to use color effectively in your film and in your life.

Author: Patti Bellantoni

Link to buy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1138426075/

Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars (from 123 reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #8,874,352 in Books

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#7,410 in Movie Direction & Production

#38,717 in Actor & Entertainer Biographies


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