IMAG History & Science Center – Fort Myers
Touch live sea life, build something, and race through a downpour! The IMAG entry package includes hours of amusement for the whole family. There are over 60 interactive exhibits for the entire family to enjoy while learning about science, technology, engineering, and math as well as the history of Southwest Florida. The IMAG invites you to get up and personal with the state's history, as well as its ecosystems and landscape. A large globe serves as a projection screen in one room, enabling complete detailed demonstrations of Earth's weather patterns. In another area, an augmented reality sandbox illustrates the topography and the complexities of southwest Florida's watersheds.
The IMAG is a strong contender for the greatest science museum in South Florida, but if that's not enough, a trip to the Sea-to-See Touch Tank will put you finger-to-fin with the same yellow-spotted stingrays that reside just off the state's beaches! This museum is ideal for the whole family because it provides extensive explanations alongside the exhibits.
Location: 2000 Cranford Ave, Fort Myers, FL 33916