Impel Down
The Impel Down Arc, a significant part of One Piece's Summit War Saga, emerges as a monumental and pivotal storyline brimming with powerful characters. This arc revolves around Luffy's daring infiltration of the heavily fortified Impel Down prison, aided by the enigmatic Boa Hancock, all with the sole purpose of rescuing his beloved brother, Ace. In a series of crazy events that follow, he ends up with Buggy and other new characters. They all try to escape the prison amidst the chaos inside.
Notably, it also had two strange and amusing enemies who were just as powerful as the Wardens. It is within this arc that the notorious Blackbeard makes his entrance, recruiting vile prisoners to join his crew, and setting the stage for future confrontations.
This arc, situated right before the explosive Marineford War, holds its own as a highly entertaining and engaging narrative. Impel Down strikes a remarkable balance between exhilarating action sequences and comedic interludes, providing fans with a delightful blend of thrills and laughter. The performances of characters like Bon-chan, Luffy, and Buggy add depth to the storyline, further cementing the arc's reputation as one of the best in One Piece.
- Anime Episodes: 422-425, 430-452
- Manga Chapters: 525-549
- Year(s) Released: 2008-2009 (Manga), 2009-2010 (Anime)