Instapaper is a popular online platform for saving and reading articles later. Developed by Marco Arment and released in 2008, Instapaper allows users to save articles and other web content to read at their convenience. The platform has gained a loyal following due to its user-friendly interface and ability to save articles for offline reading.
Instapaper features a diverse range of articles, including news, opinion pieces, and long-form journalism. Some of the most popular types of articles on Instapaper include technology, science, and self-improvement.
Instapaper's popularity can be attributed to its ability to help users stay organized and on top of their reading list. As of 2021, the site has over 2 million registered users and is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and web.
Founded: 2008
Founder: Marco Arment
Headquarters: Chicago, Illinois
Official Website: