Isekai Maou to Shoukan Dorei Majutsu
"Isekai Maou to Shoukan Dorei Majutsu," also known as "How Not to Summon a Demon Lord," is a manga series adapted from the light novel of the same name written by Yukiya Murasaki and illustrated by Takahiro Tsurusaki. The manga adaptation, illustrated by Naoto Fukuda, began serialization in Kodansha's "Suiyoubi no Sirius" magazine in 2015.
The story of "Isekai Maou to Shoukan Dorei Majutsu" follows the adventures of Takuma Sakamoto, a socially awkward and reclusive gamer who becomes trapped in a fantasy world that resembles the MMORPG game he used to play, "Cross Reverie." In this new world, Takuma finds himself transformed into his in-game character, Diablo, a powerful demon lord.
Upon arriving in this fantasy realm, Takuma is summoned by two girls, Rem and Shera, who mistakenly believe that they have summoned a powerful demon lord to serve them. To his surprise, Takuma's magical abilities and in-game knowledge make him appear as a true demon lord, despite his socially awkward nature.
The manga follows Takuma as he navigates this new world, encounters various characters, embarks on quests, and seeks to find a way back home while grappling with his new identity as a demon lord. As he forms bonds with Rem and Shera, the story explores themes of friendship, trust, and self-discovery.
"Isekai Maou to Shoukan Dorei Majutsu" is known for its humor, fantasy elements, and the contrast between Takuma's real-world personality and his in-game persona. The manga adaptation faithfully represents the light novel source material and offers readers an entertaining and occasionally ecchi (erotic) take on the isekai (alternate world) genre.
Author: Yukiya Murasaki
Genre: Fantasy, Harem, Comedy
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 99 chapters
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