It’s Perfectly Safe To Visit Doha As A (Solo) Woman

Doha is a completely safe destination for solitary female travelers as long as you dress appropriately and avoid certain behaviors like drinking in public (more on alcohol later).

Doha has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, which is why it is consistently listed among the top three safest cities in the world. The streets are well-lit at night, and there isn't much of a 'trouble culture' in Doha, except from the occasional overexcited taxi driver. In the souq, for example, you will not be approached.

Watch out for'men-only' establishments, such as tea houses and restaurants that are only open to men (this should be obvious if there are only dudes around). There are separate 'family spaces' for women and children in certain restaurants and cafés, and the metro has family carriages if you wish to sit among other ladies.

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