John Milton’s most famous work is Paradise Lost
Although John Milton produced several works throughout his lifetime, few have had the same influence as Paradise Lost. An interesting fact about John Milton is that one of the most intricate and beautiful poems ever written in Paradise Lost. The epic ten volumes of the book, which was first published in 1667, include more than 10,000 lines of verse. The poem includes a number of theological topics, such as Satan, the temptation of Adam and Eve, and the fall of man.
The epic poem Paradise Lost was written in blank verse. Ten books and more than ten thousand lines of poem make up the original edition, which was published in 1667. In 1674, a second edition appeared with slight changes throughout and was divided into twelve volumes (similar to Virgil's Aeneid). It is regarded as Milton's crowning achievement and contributed to his emergence as one of the greatest English poets of all time. The poem is about the biblical account of the Fall of Man: Satan, a fallen angel, tempting Adam and Eve, and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Milton authored Paradise Lost entirely by dictation with the assistance of amanuenses and friends after being blind in 1652. The epic poem was also written despite his frequent illness from gout and emotional pain following the early deaths of his second wife Katherine Woodcock in 1658 and their infant daughter.