Jojo Rabbit

"Jojo Rabbit," directed by Taika Waititi, is a satirical comedy-drama set in Nazi Germany during World War II. The film follows the story of Jojo Betzler, a ten-year-old boy who is an enthusiastic member of the Hitler Youth and idolizes Adolf Hitler. Jojo's imaginary friend is a comically buffoonish version of Hitler, who provides him with advice and encouragement.
As Jojo grapples with the demands of becoming a young Nazi soldier, he discovers a shocking secret - his mother, Rosie Betzler, is secretly harboring a Jewish girl named Elsa Korr in their home. Initially terrified and indoctrinated with Nazi propaganda, Jojo sees Elsa as an enemy. However, as he spends more time with her, he begins to question his beliefs and humanizes her despite his prejudices.
Taika Waititi, who also portrays the imaginary Hitler, masterfully weaves humor and satire into the film, using laughter as a tool to explore the horrors of war and the consequences of blind fanaticism. "Jojo Rabbit" effectively humanizes both the victims and the perpetrators of the war, offering a rather thought-provoking and touching examination of the impact of hate, fear, and prejudice on a young and impressionable mind.
Release: 2019
Stars: Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 80%