Justia is a legal information website that provides free access to federal and state law, legal news, and legal resources for lawyers, businesses, students, and the general public. The website was developed by Tim Stanley, formerly of FindLaw, in 2003, and has since grown into a comprehensive resource for legal research. The website is a valuable resource that provides access to legal information and resources to help individuals, especially students navigate the complex world of law.
Justia.com offers free, open access to cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, legal forms, etc. The website also offers lawyer directories, legal blogs, legal news, and online communities where users can ask and answer legal questions and engage in legal discussions, making it a great environment for students to study law.
Another notable aspect of Justia.com is its commitment to providing high-quality legal information in a user-friendly way. The website's intuitive search function and an easy-to-navigate interface make it easy for users to find the information they need quickly and efficiently. The platform is designed to be accessible to individuals with varying levels of legal knowledge, from law students to business owners to members of the general public.
Get to know more about the law on Justia at: justia.com
Website's total visits: 10.7M (Numbers as of April 2023 from www.similarweb.com)