Khalsa Store
In order to supply Sikhism-related goods and equipment to customers all over the world, Khalsa Store is an extensive online shop. Since the 13th of April 2016, has been entering the world of Internet commerce, and it has more than 17 years of experience in the field.
The sale price of the products is comparable to retail rates in Amritsar, and it is the lowest price among other online portals. It has the most extensive number of products and is the catalyst in this particular market area.
The website does not have a production plant or showroom that is owned by the corporation. From the beginning, its objective has been to collaborate with artisans headquartered in villages around Punjab, utilizing their expertise and areas of expertise while simultaneously maintaining a low cost of operations.
In addition to fostering the development of economic prospects in rural areas, this commitment will assist in the preservation of Punjabi traditions. You can find a lot of Punjabi books here with different subjects.
Khalsa Store comes from a Sikh household, and the selection of the items has been done with the utmost care taken into consideration. When it comes to the products, it’s confident that none of them convey a message that is in opposition to the core values of Sikhism and Punjab.