Knock Off Honey
There's a significant probability that the honey in your home is phony, just like the olive oil. Around one-third of the honey produced worldwide is fake. According to some estimates, it might be up to 70% in America.
What then is your honey if it isn't honey? The real item might simply be diluted with corn syrup, sugar syrup, or any other sweetener. According to the FDA, the finished product must contain pollen to be considered honey. Legally, there can be no honey if there is no pollen. But the majority of store-bought honey doesn't.
Although this doesn't exactly mean it isn't honey, it does indicate that it has undergone extensive filtering, which is frequently done to conceal the source of the honey. What plants the bees that produced the honey were eating is revealed by the pollen. The producers of honey don't want you to know if those plants are Chinese.
Chinese honey is inexpensive and simple to obtain. Additionally, it's not always honey. Since there is minimal oversight, it might just be corn syrup mixed with a variety of different sweets that include potentially fatal substances. The products offered at farmer's markets and directly from apiaries are almost always genuine if you want the real thing.