For those who aspire to immerse themselves in an endless sci-fi world but prefer the convenience of a digital library over bulky volumes, Kobo is the perfect hideaway for you. Launched in 2009, it is now one of the biggest digital reading platforms owned by Rakuten Kobo Inc., which offers a wide range of ebooks, audiobooks, and eReaders to millions of readers worldwide.
The selection of Kobo is extraordinary in the field of sci-fi and fantasy. Readers will have a chance to delve into a multitude of sci-fi subgenres, from horror to space opera, and the enchanting world of steampunk. With a wide selection of books available in more than 20 languages, including English, Italian, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, and many more, Kobo welcomes readers from around the world to its collection of sci-fi novels.
Kobo doesn't just confine itself to one platform; it's a diverse literary haven. Kobo offers a variety of mobile applications in addition to the website version, each of which is intended to improve your reading experience. There are two free versions available for iOS and Android users that give them access to literary marvels.
In order to ensure that no reader is left behind, Kobo welcomes computer users and fans of the Kobo eReader. These versions have certain benefits while having a smaller variety. They give you the ability to personalize text settings, support various formats, and even share your literary exploits on Facebook.
Overall, Kobo is a literary treasure trove that caters to readers of all ages and tastes. From epic stories of sci-fi to magical adventures of fantasy books, Kobo's extensive library always has something for everyone.
Website: https://www.kobo.com/