Poland is home to some of the most beautifully preserved medieval cities – in fact, you’ll find beautiful medieval cities all over Poland. However, many people agree that, despite the sheer wealth of beauty available in Poland, little compares to the sights of Kraków.
Kraków's Old Town is easily one of the most spectacular in Europe. One will find dazzlingly cathedrals, old cobbled streets, charming outdoor cafes, heritage horse and carriage rides, and hundreds of years of the richest Polish history. In the center of it all, is the largest medieval town square of any European city.
Kraków was the official capital of Poland until 1596 and is traditionally one of the leading scientific, cultural and artistic centers of the country, being the former residence of the Polish kings. Poland and a capital of Poland, considered by many Poles to be the spiritual capital due to the city's history of more than 1000 years. Quoted as one of Europe's most beautiful cities, the Old Town is UNESCO's first world cultural heritage site. Kraków is also a major center for domestic and international tourism, attracting 7 million visitors a year. Today the Medieval Kraków Old Town is still surrounded by its 3 km (1.9 mile) long defensive wall. It is complete with some 46 towns and seven main entrances.
Country: Poland