Kurashinity gives week by week, fortnightly, month to month, and surprisingly one-time spot cleanings. Week after week cleanings start from ¥3,300/hour with at least 3 hours. On the off chance that you don't know which organization to pick Kurashinity offers a limited preliminary cleaning for your first time. They convey exceptionally qualified and prepared experts, inside the Tokyo and Kanagawa region.
All the staff are Philippine nationals, holding a broadly perceived capability. Pasona is intently include in the staff's enlistment interaction, preparing and society reconciliation support. Housekeeping administration license is an appraisal interaction directed by both Japan Housekeeping Service Council and Japan Standard Association Group in which these associations assess the help nature of all the housekeeping administration organizations in Japan.
Address: 2-6-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8228, Japan
Contact: +81-3-6734-1131
Website: https://www.kurashinity.com/en/?