La Grotte Aux Barracudas
The most famous diving site in Guadeloupe is the Grotte aux Barracudas, a beautiful blue cave. It is now home to a big school of barracudas that circle about in the water. Because of the depth, this dive site is for advanced divers only, and it is suitable for any experienced divers who want to view the underwater wonder.
Located further north than the Eye (north of Exuma), this dive is for experienced divers, not because of its difficulty but because of its depth of 20-22 m. The boat anchors on a bottom of 7 m. On the plate already an opening is emerging: a small very low arch allowing the passage of a diver. It is lined with royal and Brazilian lobster. An inexperienced diver can spend a good half hour here, the depth not exceeding 10 m. Rich in much coral fish, this small perimeter cannot leave anyone indifferent.
- One of Jacques Cousteau's favorite diving sites.
- There are a lot of Barracudas.
- It's a great place to watch invertebrates.