Lake Athabasca
One of the most beautiful lakes in Canada is lake Athabasca. Between 58° and 60° North in Canada, Lake Athabasca is situated in the northwest corner of Saskatchewan and the northeast corner of Alberta. 74 percent of the lake is in Saskatchewan, and 26 percent is in Alberta.
Since 1926, Lake Athabasca has been used for commercial fishing, with walleye, northern pike, and lake trout making up the majority of the catch. Lake whitefish, arctic grayling, yellow perch, burbot, white sucker, and longnose sucker are some of the other fish species found in the lake.
On a broader scale, the lake is a component of the Peace-Athabasca Delta, a wetland west of the lake that is roughly the size of Prince Edward Island and is biologically diversified. For several bird species, including the whooping crane, whistling swan, as well as different geese, and ducks, it serves as a crucial migration route and a nesting location. In addition, Wood Buffalo National Park, a UNESCO world heritage site and shelter for the biggest wild bison herd in North America, occupies 80% of the delta's land area.
Location: northeastern Alberta and northwestern Saskatchewan