Languages in Kyrgyzstan
It is highly common in the west to say "Thank you" frequently, and it is seen as unfriendly when someone does not utilize polite expressions like "thank you," "you are welcome," etc. The scenario is a little different in Kyrgyzstan. Without a doubt, Kyrgyz people express gratitude and welcome others, but they probably do it less frequently than Westerners. It is one of the lists of Kyrgyzstan culture, customs, and etiquette. Therefore, at first, it would appear a little unexpected, and you would have to adjust to this cultural difference. Additionally, in Kyrgyzstan, you are only permitted to greet someone once each day because doing so will make them believe you have forgotten that you have already met them.
In order to address an unknown individual, distinct words are used in Kyrgyzstan. It would be really welcome if you could speak a few words of the native tongue or Russian. It is customary to address females as "gospozha" (madam), "zhenshina" (woman), elder Kyrgyz women as "Edje" (older sister), and young ladies as "devushka" (girl) or "Chon Kyz if addressing a Kyrgyz girl. Males are addressed as "gospodin" (sir), and young men are frequently referred to as "paren" (boy) or "molodoi chelovek" (young man). Speaking to an older male Kyrgyz, say "Baike" (older brother).
When you don't know someone well, you typically use either the gospozha So-and-So or the gospodin, which are both highly formal ways of addressing people. When addressing or calling someone, So-and-So uses their first name and patronymic ("otchestvo" in Russian). For instance, gospodin Niuhalov or Artem Dmitrievich for men and gospozha Ivanova or Elena Petrovna for women. With friends, you can just call them by their first names or, if they have any, by their nicknames.