Learn Some Fijian Words Such As ‘Bula’ and ‘Vinaka’
Fijians are the kindest and most welcome people you'll ever meet, and they'll gladly help you discover new and interesting local activities to make your Fiji vacation even more enjoyable. Despite the fact that English is the official language and that most Fijians can communicate in English to some level, you will hear bula and vinaka on a regular basis throughout your journey. This is one of the things about Fiji you should know before visiting.
Fiji's world-famous "Bula" is more than just a greeting. All parts of Fijian society are characterized by real kindness, compassion, and a cheerful outlook. Thank you is Vinaka. If you only learn two Fijian words, make them bula and vinaka, so you can enter as a visitor and leave as a friend who has truly experienced the bula spirit.
Locals are so proud of their heritage that your efforts to learn a few words will be much appreciated. It's also vital to try nonverbal interactions with natives. With only roughly 10,000 words in the Fijian language, communication is primarily reliant on body language and facial expressions - something to keep in mind when visiting Fiji! Immersing oneself in the cultural history through activities such as village tours and everyday experiences with residents, such as this Matamanoa Island trip, is one activity not to be missed.